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Partner with us

Partner with us

2024-12-10 10:07:05

Engage with us!

Opportunities exist within the North West HHS to join us as a consumer, which means partnering with us in many ways including helping to co-design services, provide feedback on health plans and initiatives, join committees and consumer advisory groups, and review publications.

We’re particularly looking for new consumers to join our Consumer Advisory Networks and Groups. These groups meet quarterly to the health needs of the community and hear from Executive members and NWHHS staff about current issues and opportunities. 

Current consumer groups:

To promote your community's Consumer Advisory Group or Network, please click on the relevant group name above to access promotional material. 

If you would like to know more about consumer opportunities, please contact 

Engage in an activity

North West Hospital and Health Service is committed to providing compassionate and high quality health care. This vision can only be realised by partnering with consumers and the community to ensure we provide the right care, at the right place, at the right time.

Who is a consumer?

We are all consumers. A consumer includes people who access or may need access to North West services including patients, carers, families, clients and community members.

Partner with us

North West Hospital and Health Service has a network of consumer partners who help us design and deliver better hospital services. We encourage passionate people with recent experiences in using our services to register and get involved. Your unique experiences help us to

  • design care
  • plan services
  • develop and implement health programs
  • undertake service measurement and evaluation

How do I join

If you are interested in joining our community of consumers, please email us at and we will discuss our current options and opportunities with you.