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North West HHS Clinical Nurse Stephen Ernst, participates in the push-up challenge to raise awareness around suicide prevention.

North West HHS Clinical Nurse Stephen Ernst, participates in the push-up challenge to raise awareness around suicide prevention.

2024-07-01 09:49:02

North West HHS Clinical Nurse Stephen Ernst, participates in the push-up challenge to raise awareness around suicide prevention.

18th June 2024

Mental Health unit clinical nurse, Stephen Ernst, is flexing his muscles for a good cause this month, to raise awareness for better mental health and suicide prevention.  

Originally a first responder in the South Australian Police Force before moving into the healthcare environment in a Mental Health capacity, Mr Ernst is deeply connected to suicide prevention as he has seen firsthand just how damaging it can be to the families and communities of suicide victims.

“Suicide is something that doesn’t discriminate anyone can be impacted by suicidal thoughts, but unfortunately rural and remote populations are two times more likely to take their life by suicide,” Mr Ernst said.

“I hope people will see me participating in this campaign, they’ll recognise my face and be more comfortable approaching either myself or the hospital for support, the main goal is to protect the community and let them know there is help available if they’re willing to seek it.”

Over 24 days, participants complete 3,249 push-ups, the number reflecting the 3,249 lives lost to suicide in Australia 2022. That’s around 8 suicides per day.

Mr Ernst’s has raised almost $1000 so far and his goal is to raise at least $2000 towards suicide prevention funding.

Suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians between the ages of 15 and 44, with 75% of those who take their own life being male.

Mr Ernst will be visiting iconic Mount Isa landmarks to set the scene for his daily push-ups and the community is encouraged to keep an eye out and cheer him on.

Anyone wishing to donate can follow the link or use the QR code below.

The Push-Up Challenge - Stephen Ernst (